One of the goals from the very beginning of heart happies was to weave advocacy into this small business. As a result, these candles have social impact just by being made!
The more candles that are made, the more social and environmental impact they will have. How cool?
Values in Action
1. Empower women and girls.
2. Be socially and environmentally conscious.
3. Use clean ingredients, quality materials, and have as much transparency as possible.
4. Be uplifting, encouraging, and inclusive.
5. Be generous in spirit and resources.
These values define exactly what heart happies stands for and strives toward. Below I’m sharing actions taken to reflect these values.
The Values in Action will guide all business operations and advocacy efforts. These core values are seamlessly integrated into everyday business, organizational support, and community building.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a call to action to secure a prosperous future for every living thing on our planet, as well as the planet itself. I believe in progress through partnership and wish to support these goals with heart happies.
Below are 7 Sustainable Development Goals heart happies will focus on as well as actions taken to support each Goal.
Use of clean burning wax and fragrance
FSC certified wooden wick
Include mental, physical, and spiritual wellness in business messaging
Each purchase donates to Girl Up, who through UN partnerships, helps girls have access to quality education through high school
Each purchase donates to Girl Up, whose objective is empowerment and equality
My candle wax is made through a partnership with the Exceptional Children’s Fund. Adults living with disabilities receive specialized training in candle production as well as life skills development
Support of UN agencies like UNHCR, UNICEF, UN Women, and UNFPA in developing countries through Girl Up
Social and economic opportunities for adults living with disabilities through the Exceptional Children’s Fund