My Story

the pandemic

The pandemic changed a lot of things for a lot of people, myself included. As an interior designer who was already working remotely, my small business boomed. But…twist! So did my anxiety.

Everyone needed help with their interiors to adjust to this new stay at home world and my waitlist grew to the double digits. Around this time, the supply chain completely crashed, causing my projects to take 3x longer to complete. So there was more demand, greater need, but less ways to fulfill those needs. This caused me so much anxiety.

My “solution” was to work harder and log more hours, to do even more to satisfy clients in order to soften the blow of things I couldn’t control (but felt responsible for). My pace wasn’t sustainable and my panic attacks let me know it. So I immediately stopped taking new clients, and I started seeing a wonderful therapist. 

Oh…and I started making candles:-)

Hi! I’m Kristen, the person behind heart happies. Welcome, friend:-)

slowing down

Since I stopped taking on new clients, I was able to (begrudgingly) slow down. In doing that, I started to notice things. Spiritual things. Inner wisdom things. I started spending more time in nature and as I reconnected with myself, I slowly started to feel the guidance that had been there all along

I finally started experiencing clarity because I let go of the excess that was cluttering my mind. I also learned that I didn’t need to completely stop; I could just slow down and find a pace that would allow my body to thrive.

Slow then flow. This revelation turned out to be the basis of heart happies’ philosophy! First, you must slow down to reconnect with yourself so you know exactly where to begin. Then, with a quiet(er) mind, your inner guidance system paired with that beautiful vibrant spirit of yours can lead the way. The result? More energy, less anxiety, more doing, more living.

You get closer to your dreams by getting closer to yourself.

scents with a purpose

As a sensitive creative type, I have always been drawn to creating peaceful, soulful environments. The power of a supportive environment is what drew me to interior design in the first place.

I began my candle making journey in a similar way: I started with how I wanted people to feel. The goal of my candles is to help you slow down, connect with yourself, and then flow with your work. I have specifically designed these scents to be a comforting and inspiring friend for you on your journey of becoming. 

These scents are bright, uplifting, and calming all at the same time. They are all influenced by nature–my greatest source of wisdom and inspiration. Light one as you do anything that fills you and moves you forward towards your dreams and goals.

First you slow, then you flow. I believe that’s the answer.

It's the happiness for me.

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